Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Artist Statement

My style consists of a lot of colors that shows off the photo. I tend to use people, nature, and everyday living things in life in all of my photos. I believe that the art to making your photos stand out is by taking a variety of genres of pictures with a great use of color in it. it makes people drawn to it more too. 

The techniques that I use in most of my artwork is composition, colors, and macro. I usually used these techniques because they stand out to me the most especially when you use macro you are seeing things  from a clearer view of whatever object you are taking a photo of. It makes it more detailed to see. And with composition it focuses on one thing at a time to as if you were using rule of thirds.

My art creating process consists of me drawing it out and/or thinking about it in my head, and looking up examples of pictures online to help me come up with ideas. To be inspired to take certain pictures I look up artists that have unique and creative photos that make me drawn to them. 

Thanks for visiting my blog, and please check out all my photos that I have taken this year! 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Art and Poetry

 “California the Place I Will Always Call Home”

            It’s been a long chain of gloominess, since the day I moved out here to the cold and wet state of Washington. I feel I do not belong but I can not speak of it with my bolted mouth, if I were to the only thing I would commend to be is antagonism towards my dad for making us move here.

“Dad, why did we have to move here?!”
“I thought at first it would be a good idea because all my brothers live here okay, but now I do regret it because I miss all the great times in California with my friends and other family members.”
            I stand in silence and roll my rounded bulky eyes right at him as if I were giving him the death stare. But I know I mustn’t say no more. Everything I’ve felt was finally out. I felt as if my words used against my dad were throbbing back pains hurting him only. So I stop and leave to my room.

            Finally we get to go to California after three long years of yearning. We are in my dad’s black truck getting ready to leave in the cold month of November where the cold chilly air is whispering in my face and through my body. The long car ride is so exhausting knowing it will be a twelve hour drive. I wish we would just get there within an instant. Fast as a jet roaming through the thin air sky.
            I awake from my sleepless nap. I see the tropical palm trees every where. “Yes we are here!” I say to myself. We are approaching my cousin’s enormous house. I see my cousin! I run towards her as fast a soaring cheetah giving her the tightest hug ever.

“OMG, Tina!” I scream.
“Hey Summer! It’s so good to finally see you again!”
“I know same here!”

            Time is ticking “Tik toc, tik toc” is all I can hear every second of the day we are in California. We have been here for 3 diminutives days and it is time to go back home now.  I wish we could just stay like this incessantly not needing to go back. Time is passing by like a bubble you blow up into the cool thin air of the summer time. Then there it goes floating around not even for a minute and bursts without you realizing it.

“I don’t want to leave, I don’t want to leave.” is all I can say to myself as we are saying our final good-byes to one another. I have the impulse of letting my teardrops fall from my widened, opened eyes but I keep them in knowing I am always welcome back and can return whenever.

            We are almost at the border of California and Oregon. As we approach the border, I look back and all I can see is the beautiful, glistening sun smiling back at me, letting me know that I will come back in no time again. 


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Competition Photos

People Color & Digital

Color Color & Digital







